The Electronic Registration Bidding Companies (RELI)

The Electronic Registration Bidding Companies (RELI) established by Decree 107/2005 of 31 May the Department of Economics and Finance (DOGC. 4400 7.6.2005) is a public administrative record, electronic, containing information and documents Company relating to its legal capacity to act, performance and reliability. Is voluntary (except the third sector companies, which is mandatory registration) will be valid indefinitely, incorporating current data and is free. It is the first step to enable electronic contracting in the field of Public Administration, and launches a new online communication channel between businesses and governments. Companies have, as of now, the possibility of online application any day of the year, 24 hours a day.

Is a necessary evolution Bidders Registry (RLI) which was valid until September 7, 2005, when it became operational on RELI (Electronic Bidding Companies Registry). Was granted a transitional period of validity of one year for certifications made to the previous Rli (Registration of Bidders), completed in September 2006. All data and documents in the previous Rli RELI have joined.

Subjects who can enroll in the RELI may be individuals, legal persons (associations, foundations, cooperatives, special employment centers … …), public joint stock companies, corporations, private equity, economic interest groups, corporate responsibility limited, particular civil societies, professional societies and any foreign company or individual, community or extra.

To access general information RELI need to go to the web / economy / jcca and once you open this page to access the Electronic Bidding Companies Registry. If you wish to be accessed directly through the following website: https: / / This page shows general information and documents containing the RELI, with frequently asked questions and information on electronic signatures and where to get it.

To access the Reli, is required to have electronic signature level 4 (this is the first major developments), or temporary, provisional number of access can be obtained from Customer Care Centre (CAU) , call 93. 254 May 28, or fax 93 501 52 50, indicating the Company registration and identity card of a company representative. In the CAU will be provided, in 24 or 48 hours, a code or password to access the RELI provisional.

From here and you can enter data into the online application and prepare the necessary documents for processing. Each section of the online application consists of a field that aims to help facilitate this task.

The RELI, contains information and documents. The data are entered in the various fields set in the application found at: https: / / The documents you must bring or send them to the JCCA, along with the signed application if it has agreed to provisional numbers or it may refer telematically if you have an electronic signature.

The data and documents RELI refer to legal personality, capacity to act, representation, economic and financial capacity and technical expertise and professional.

Now with the RELI, plus data and documents with legal personality, legal capacity and representing the company (which are: NIF company memorandum and / or adaptation of laws, or founding document, writing, stating the appointment of representative or write to, deeds of change of domicile, corporate purpose, capital or statement of sole proprietorship, if applicable, and tax certifications: positive certification issued by the General Treasury of Social Security, positive certification issued by the State Agency Tax Administration and the positive certification issued by the Department of Economics and Finance of the Generalitat of Catalonia, all issued on the basis of Article 49 1. d) of Law 30/2007 of October 30, Sector Contracts groups, the high, the last receipt of IAE and approvals, authorizations or permits to the exercise of business), also incorporates data and credit documents. This is the second major development. Companies wishing to register or update your data, from September 7, 2005, have to incorporate data and documents economic, financial and technical.

Data of economic solvency, are the social capital and own funds, capital guaranteed liability and the statement of overall turnover. Technical reliability data are the ratio of the major works, services or supplies as business activity, the ratio of qualified staff, non-graduate personnel, machinery, equipment, office … All these data have been entered in the application found on the web, can not be completed on additional sheets in paper format.

Documents and technical solvency may provide in person at the offices of the JCCA, and may also, from April 2008, digitally attach this documentation, all those companies that make their application with electronic signature to certify the financial solvency shall include the following documents: report of financial institutions, insurance liability professional risk, annual accounts deposited in the Registry for the last two years). To prove the technical reliability documents must provide are: experience certificate of satisfactory execution of the main works, past 5 years, services and supplies, «the last 3 years and annual average production worker in a position high (average value of workers in the past three years) issued by the General Treasury of Social Security, and an optional certificate can also provide quality production, environmental, social or otherwise available to the company (ISO …).

Companies with existing business classification by the Generalitat of Catalonia (in one of the groups, subgroups and categories established by the legislation) does not need to fill in data or documents provide technical solvency.

The procedure, and this is the third development, today, can be mixed, in part telematics and face part, for those companies that use a temporary key code or access, or you can be totally telematics for companies electronic signature feature. Companies using the temporary number, perform the online application via the Internet (with the data you enter the business) and provide the documents in person to the Public Procurement Advisory Board, with original, legitimate copies or photocopies of a notary public for collating administratively, returning the original OCUMENTATION at the same time of submission of documentation. Companies that do not have electronic signature and have agreed to the provisional number RELI must also submit original copy of the signed application in writing by

representative. Instead companies using electronic signatures, along with the online application may also, from April 2008, attach your documents digitally.

The response from the Administration, authorizing the entry and / or update, telematics for all types of businesses. Notification of registration will be conducted on paper and other communications and notifications will be made by e-mail is again done by telematics and electronic signatures. The notice shall be on paper if it has agreed to provisional RELI the number or pin.

Once registered the company provides a registration number unique identifier for each of them. The company, from that point, you can view the documents presented and scanned by the JCCA as well as view and print, if appropriate, a summary of the data contained in the RELI. Companies may perform this function directly by electronic signature, if you have it, or if RELI have accessed the provisional number, will provide three data access: the Company registration, the TIN of the attorney / day and the registration number in the RELI.

The contracting of the Generalitat of Catalonia and the local authorities or other affiliated entities have adhered to the mandatory RELI automatically check RELI information (data and documents) contained in it, and automatically generate the electronic certificate RELI company registered in, avoiding the company that it has to provide a certification on paper. Registered companies are not required to provide any information or document that is in the RELI and actively pursued. May testify before the contracting authority that are registered in indicating RELI Company registration number of the attorney i NIF / day participating in this tender. The jury or the contracting authority are solely responsible for establishing the ability of bidders to hire, according to registration information collected by the Registry. In the event that some registry data of a company are no longer valid or current, are also competent to decide whether to grant the company, according to the legally established procedure, the possibility of producing the document or the information updated. On the website of the Public Procurement Advisory Board of the Generalitat of Catalonia will find a list of entities and public sector entities that are attached to RELI.
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